24 January 2016

Today on Facebook…

Orange pork

“I saw it on Facebook.” I hate that phrase, especially when preceded by “it’s true.” Some people forget that Facebook is not a news site, rather the digital equivalent of your suking barbershop (or parlor), venue for a lot of empty talk, flagrant fanfaronade, salacious gossip, and self-indulgence. If you want to make me skeptical about the latest artista to have “died” (not that I knew who Jessy Mendiola was before it was her turn), you only have to say you saw/heard about it on FB.

Now it’s my turn to tell you: I saw it on Facebook. The recipe for that dish pictured above, that is. Originally for orange chicken, but my chicken was already roasting in the turbo, so I made it with pork tenderloin instead. Ma liked the dish enough to say she would be having the leftovers for dinner (I used 250 grams of pork). I thought it was so-so, but then I had adjusted the sauce, thought it called for too much vinegar (Pa alert!) and sugar (though I did add the juice from half the orange).

Orange pork

Know what else I saw on Facebook today? Mar Roxas eating at at the local public market. Nothing wrong with that, of course; politicians will swallow anything to get elected. I certainly hope he enjoyed the food, because a lot of the comments to the photos I clicked on were downright unsavory, even mean. As Dilbert observes, people are mighty brave in cyberspace. There’s news to me.

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