23 July 2016

And the winners are…

Maasin tidal flat, with Camiguin Island in the distance

On a clear day we can see Camiguin. Click on the photo for an enlarged view; note as well the color of the sky: the deeper shade of red it gets at dusk, goes the conventional wisdom, the hotter it will be the following day. I was more concerned about what to serve for dinner, fish being scarce during the full moon.

The moon won. It always does.

Pork steamed rice

But I would be damned if I was going to let it have the last word. Dinner was dim sum-style steamed rice, incidentally subject of the most popular post on this site (it also includes the recipe). Half a pound of peeled shrimp made the dish extra special, although I should have added more water, too, because it was a tad salty. My mother called out for more kan-on (rice), but I had only cooked enough for three mini-servings, so instead she asked for Coke. I swear she waits for me to slip up for the excuse — it takes all kinds to win.

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