I had never cooked lomi before yesterday. I am not really fond of this soupy noodle dish, although Ma always orders me a bowl from a cousin’s restaurant whenever I am sick, so maybe it’s that association that has kept me from properly appreciating it.
FYI, I’m not sick (nor, for that matter, is anyone in the house). But I do have a refrigerator to clear of imminently perishable inventory — that, coupled with the need to introduce some diversity into our usual menu, had led to the lomi. I did not bother to look up a recipe, working from what I recalled of the dish — and, more importantly, with what ingredients were available. It also gave me the chance to break-in my new La Creuset casserole which I got at SM for half the price. I had spent a good hour debating with myself whether it was something I needed. What the heck, I finally decided, it’s a lot cheaper than a Lacoste shirt. (I don’t have anything Lacoste, by the way — never have.)
First into the hot pan, sliced red onion, sautéed until wilted. Then slivers of garlic, strips of chicken meat, and julienned carrot. For the liquid element, three tablespoons of cream of mushroom powder and one of fish sauce, diluted in three cups of cold chicken stock, cooked to a simmer and stirred occasionally to avoid clumping. Before adding the noodles (250g), a taste. Then sliced cabbage, cooked for a minute. A sprinkling of sesame oil and white pepper to finish, plus egg to enrich and thicken.
The verdict? Not bad at all. You wouldn’t think the dish was made largely from odds and ends. If I have to guess, the whole thing could not have cost more than ₱50 and easily served four. My cousin must make a killing with this stuff, especially now the rainy season’s here. If only she’d work on her morcon, then she’d be set.
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