Score half a point for the leftover dinuguan, this time in a rice dish that I call “brown” paella. The half awarded is for the taste, which came through front and center — that’s blood stew in there, all right. The half withheld is also for taste, which was nothing that mushing the stew with rice could not have achieved.
Clearly this dish needs more than those slices of Chinese chorizo on top. I’m thinking seafood — squid in particular, not only to add another flavor dimension but more vivid color (from the ink) as well. As for the requisite vegetables — peas and roasted bell peppers — we were out of those. The only additional flavorings were a sachet of hon-dashi and some salt and pepper. For rice, I used 1:1 regular to malagkit (no way I was buying fancy long-grain rice for an experiment), with 1:1.5 rice to water.
Alas, that was the last of the dinuguan from my father’s birthday, so any refinement of the dish will have to be shelved indefinitely. Like I have said elsewhere on this blog, I never eat dinuguan we do not make ourselves, and that’s only on special occasions, which means I have it at most five or six times out of a year. In the meantime, if you have more success with this very Pinoy take on paella, I would like to hear about it.
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