14 November 2015

Postscript to a non-event

Thai-inspired salad

We are fine. Obviously. Friday the 13th came and went, and no curtain of water heaved up, poured down, or otherwise came our wicked way. Am I gloating? Hardly. From across the world, news of terrorist attacks in Paris that has so far left more than 150 129 people dead.

Do I even dare compare the two? Consider the inspiration: divine fiat. So what if one came from a twisted interpretation of Scripture and the other from the delusional mind of a fanatic? Consider, too, the objective. Fear. Terror. Helplessness as people question the established Order — whether political or what we call Nature. We take for granted that jihadists get the Koran wrong, even as there are those among us who apparently subscribe to a God of love and mercy who is nevertheless capable of being petty and petulant, not to mention willing to bend the laws of nature to make known His displeasure. To paraphrase Anne Lamott, something’s wrong with your god if he hates all the same things you do.

There is no winning such arguments. I recognize that much. So what if no cataclysm came our way? As per those who claim to have read the original message, no actual date was ever mentioned. Whatever. I have absolutely no intention of going anywhere anytime. Except to the beach tomorrow. Enough of this nonsense. The world is troubled enough already and can not end too soon, I agree. If only it were as easy as wishing so. Then I would not have to bother to eat healthy. More on the salad next time. Count on it.

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