09 November 2015

So much for the memories

Pizza roll/New York sandwich

“Look!” I exclaimed as we made the turn into the Bato public market. “Old-fashioned hotcakes!”

I was wrong. They were hotcakes, sure, just not the kind we used to get at the town plaza back in the 1970s: honeycombed (via waffle iron), bright yellow, dredged in sugar, then folded into a quarter circle. Gummy rather than fluffy (from cornstarch, I had been told), I would probably have had one and then promptly forgotten about it, but until such time I was in the grip of nostalgia.

Disheartened, we drifted over to the next stall. Hotdog, fish ball, squid roll, tempura (“So that’s what it is!”), kwek-kwek (more like tokneneng since it contained chicken egg), and something I had never seen before: cigar-like tubes of sliced bread with smears of something orange and rolled in panko.

“Pizza roll,” the girl volunteered. “Want one?”

I did, despite myself. But not there. Her setup looked less than sanitary. On to the next.

“We’ll have three of these,” I said to the man.

“The New York sandwich?”

Fried pizza roll & kwek-kwek/tokneneng

“Is it now? The girl over there said–”

“Pizza roll. That’s what the kids call it.”

Whatev. Fried and cut up, it revealed a measly strip of hotdog within, and tasted the way I imagined: bleh — and that’s with a healthy dollop of mayo-ketchup sauce. What was I expecting for eight pesos? I speared a fish ball off a companion’s plate — another first for me; that’s after I checked where the public toilets were. I’m not being mean, just sayin’. Memories can be all sorts of things.

Pizza roll

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