29 March 2016

In which I try to drink moderately

Kiamoy-flavored kalamansi juice

I’m starting to regret having found dried plum/kiamoy powder (Fat & Thin brand) at Metro Ayala in Cebu. I had only meant for it to add an interesting twist to my usual kalamansi juice, as with the drink served at Chong Qing Grilled Fish that I had liked so much. But now I dip fruits in it as well (that’s how the stuff is marketed, actually — as a dip). Even apple, which I do not fancy, has become eminently palatable.

Healthy kiamoy/huamei isn’t, which is why it tastes so good. Back in grade school, with change to spare on the way home, I used to stop at Na Beling’s shop for this sweet and salty treat (and Chinese White Rabbit, with edible inner wrapper). I would nibble on the desiccated, wrinkled fruit — it can be shockingly salty otherwise — then pop the seed into my mouth afterward to suck it clean, leaving my lips raw.

Fat & Thin Red Kiamoy Powder

Kiamoy powder is made of ground-up pickled plum skin. At a teaspoon or two to a glass, some sediment settles at the bottom of my kalamansi drink, now tinted red-orange (not brown). Otherwise it tastes just like Chong Qing’s. This is not good, I muse on the third day I have it straight. With the record heat, I’m keeping a close eye on my blood pressure, and have even taken to bringing Isordil along on road trips. The powder stays home.

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