03 May 2016

A month of fiestas

Jenny’s fruit & vegetable salad

It is said that there is a fiesta somewhere in Bohol province for every day there is in May. The joke is that you could hop from one place to the next and never go hungry — indeed pay for a meal — the whole time.

Has someone actually attempted it? Now there’s an interesting subject for a documentary. I went to Kap’s last night. Today is their patron saint’s feast day, but it is not unusual for the parties to start two days in advance — the better for people to make a round of all the homes they have been invited to, with space for the impromptu offers. Because Kap is sitting barrio chief (a popular one, at that), his house gets a lot of traffic.

“Jesus,” I said, “who are these people?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Jen!” he called out to his wife. “Have someone buy more Coke!”

Coke is right. The house specialty demanded it. I’m talking humba (braised fatty pork), one of the best in my book. But I digress. Back home later that night, I had an uncomfortable case of bidlî, that feeling you get from eating too much fat (with mounds of rice, IGWS). Or was it from the coconut in the fruit salad?

Jenny’s fruit & vegetable salad

Not the salad pictured here — that’s Jenny’s, a mélange of iceberg lettuce, cucumber, carrot, green capsicum, grapes, mandarin orange, mango, crab sticks, and pine nuts dressed with kewpie (in this case, low-fat ranch). Light and refreshing, it works both as side dish and dessert, which you can’t say of canned mixed fruit in heavy cream and condensed milk, coconut or no. Even so, can you imagine subsisting on that, the humba, lechon, pancit, and carabao soup for a month? You will never go hungry, that much is sure. But you know that’s not the point. God help you.

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