11 September 2015

The buzz

Coffee lover’s coffee cake

Because I smoke, people assume that I also drink coffee. Let us be clear about one thing: I love coffee, just not enough to drink it. The combination of nicotine and hot caffeine my taste buds find extremely unappealing.

How much is “enough,” anyway? What drew me to Titli’s coffee lover’s coffee cake was that it promised to be what a coffee cake should: loaded with coffee. The recipe sounded so novice-friendly, I braved the noonday heat to search for cake pans, and in less than two hours I had baked (and decorated!) my first cake.

Coffee cake

Okay, so it looks pale, as if it doesn’t have that much coffee, even though I put in the full six tablespoons called for by the recipe. I had not halved the coffee mixture properly, so put more in the frosting (hence too wet) than the batter. Did it matter when I was going to eat them together? (Actually, yes.) Also, the cake felt too much like mamon — dense rather than crumbly (or whatever you proper bakers call it). Overall, not bad for a first attempt, if I may say so. It should have given me a buzz for all the caffeine in it, but I have no idea what that’s like. I just felt real perky, you know? Nothing that a good drag on a Marlboro doesn't accomplish, and I had that, too.

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